As I sit here and write this, the weather is warm and wonderful, the birds are chirping and I even saw some early flowers popping up. I am looking forward to the summer with gleeful anticipation. The bucks have been back out on pasture for a few days and are surely happy to have more space and more greenery to graze on. I am looking at their house that I need to clean out today, and thinking.... How did they pull so much hay out of their rack in just 2 weeks!!! I also have a doe due on the 22nd that looks like she could kid any minute. She is huge, her udder is large and she is very uncomfortable. She had quads last year easily, so I am hopeful she can repeat a happy and healthy kidding this year for us.
I am also looking with excitement to my first freshener Godiva, her udder is coming in nicely and I am very hopeful for what her future holds. We have also been very busy with work and life here at the farm. Rob and I finally just got around to replacing the door on our chicken coop last night that I ripped off accidently three weeks ago with the 4 wheeler. I miss the sight of my chickens running free, but I am happy to have them safe, and where I don't have to remove their feed each day due to mischievous little goats! I actually even took Friday off of work to get simple tasks done around here that seem to be slacking, like cleaning my house and getting bedding. There is always something to do for a person that works full time and has a hobby farm on the side!
I am thinking of trying something new this year. I have a doe due the Monday after Easter and I have to travel for work on that Tuesday. So I am thinking of inducing her. I hear people talk about it, but I am curious how well that works for people. I do not want to leaver her with just my husband in case something goes wrong, so I am hoping to induce her and have kids on the ground before I leave for work. Any insight or thoughts into this would be very helpful!
I am also looking forward to getting our trailer out of the mines! That should happen here towards the end of April! It is always exciting to get the trailer out, cleaned up and ready to go for this years show schedule! The shows do seem a little lighter this year due to the timing and proximity to nationals, but I cannot wait to participate with my little herd!!! I am hopeful that they will get the show wins entered and figured out with ADGA this year, as I finished two goats last year which were my first two! I am excited to be able to show in the Champion Challenge Classes!
I know this was a bit of a fragmented blog, but there is so much to look forward to and I for one cannot wait to start enjoying more of this beautiful summer weather and watch everything turn green again! Take care and Happy Goating!!